Political Theorists

Philosopher Island’s Key Philosophers 



These links are to help you understand your assigned philosopher and be prepared to argue his/her viewpoint in your “Philosopher Island: Meeting of the Minds.”   The following people will be featured within your group. Print the person assigned to you and follow the directions below

John Locke   additional links: I

Plato additional links: I  II

Machiavelli summary of the Prince I

Thomas Hobbes I

Henry David Thoreau   additional info: I  Bio Civil Disobedience

Mussolini additional info: I 

Jean Jacques-Rousseau additional info: I II

Queen Elizabeth I II (lots of info)





A.) Each student comes in prepared by completing the following for homework :

1.        Carefully read your assigned philosopher information sheet and answer

the questions imbedded in the reading

2.        Complete the Philosopher Matrix sections for your philosopher


B.) Student who were chosen in class to be one of the philosophers will:

                1. Dress the part

                2. Be in character

                3. Have an opening statement ready (bio, accomplishments)

                4. State which books, essays, etc. that the philosopher wrote and the summarize significance

                5. Discuss over-all philosophy on which government is best

                6. All research will be turned in


C.) On the Day of Philosopher Island, the class will be split into 4-5 groups.


D.) Discussions begins with students teaching the ideas of their philosopher and each group member is responsible for filling out their

      Philosopher Matrix (#12).


E.) Students will then decide which philosopher’s ideas will best solve a series of issues plaguing Philosopher Island.  These issues will be

     provided by your teacher.


F.) After each issue is discussed, the group will respond to the question and record it.. The teacher will ask a pair from each group to come

      up and explain their answer. The pairs will rotate after each set of issues.


     1.) Answers to questions embedded in the reading on the philosopher you were assigned

     2.) Completed Philosopher Matrix for all philosophers

     3.) Group answers to issues plaguing Philosopher Island