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UNIT III: American and French Revolution Studyguide


Helpful Hints:

This test will be a multiple choice test. It is recommended that you look over your notes, worksheets, videoguides, and your textbook (chpt. 5 sect. 2, Chpt. 6 Sect. 2,  and chpt. 7 sections 1-4) It would be helpful to define/describe the terms/names/events and/or answering the questions.


Declaration of Independence


French Revolution


What was the Edict of Nantes? What does Louis XIV do to it?

What effect does Louis XIV’s decision have on France?

First Estate

Second Estate

Third Estate

What were the conditions like before the Revolution?

What was the Great Fear?

Who paid the most of the taxes in France?

Women’s March on Versailles

Storming of the Bastille-why? What happened? What did the Bastille represent?

Tennis Court Oath

National Assembly

Legislative Assembly


What were the causes of the French Revolution?

What changes did Napoleon make as an emperor?

Robespierre- What was his nickname? His beliefs?

What was the Reign of Terror?


What percentage of the French population was made up of the Third Estate?

What was the Petition of Grievances?

How was the French Army unlike most armies in France?

Which two countries threatened France with war early in the French Revolution?

Did the Third Estate want to vote to order or by head?

What were some examples of treasonous acts during the Reign of Terror?

Declaration of the Rights of Man?

Thermidorian Reaction

Royal Family flees France

1st Coalition



Cardinal Richelieu






National Convention

The Directory

Estates General


Committee of Public Safety

Marie “Antoinette- nicknames? What is she known for?

Louis XIII

Louis XIV

Louis XVI

What was the slogan of the French Revolution (3 words- meaning?)


Old Regime

What 3 groups made up the Third Estate?

What was the name of the tax the peasants had to pay in the form of work to the king’s roads?


Napoleon Bonaparte

What changes did Napoleon make in France when he became emperor?

Continental System

Battle of Austerliz

Battle of Trafalgar

Horation Nelson

Scorched Earth policy

Battle of Waterloo

Why was Napoleon defeated in the Russian Campaign?

Hundred Days

Combined Fleet

Czar Alexander I

Napoleonic Code

Why did Napoleon lose his power?

3rd Coalition