Final Studyguide


Helpful Hints: The upcoming test will take the form of multiple choice and matching questions. You will be expected to write out the Preamble. Also, there will be an at least one FRQ(s) on the final. I will provide you with some sample essay questions that may or may not be on the test. In order to study for this test, I would recommend looking over your class notes, worksheets, movie notes, outside readings, and your textbook (Chpts. 1-3, and 6-7 and Chpt 9 (excluding 9.3). All of these materials will help you study for the test. In addition, I have provided a list of key terms and questions. Knowing the significance of these terms and questions (which have been taken directly from many of the questions on the test) will help you prepare for the test.


 UNIT I: Constitutional Underpinnings



Linkage Institutions

Presidential system

Parliamentary system


Direct democracy



Federal government

Unitary government

Confederate government





Baron de Montesquieu

Spirit of Laws

John Locke

Two Treatises on Government


Social Contract






Elite Theory


Hyper Pluralism

Madisonian Model

Federalist 51- what were the main points?

Federalist 10- what were the main points?

What were the problems with the Articles of


How was the Constitution organized?

What jobs do each of the Articles outline?

Bill of Rights

Virginia Plan

New Jersey Plan

Connecticut or Great Compromise

3/5ths Compromise

How is the Constitution formally and informally amended?

What are the three branches of government and what does each branch do?

How does each branch check and balance each other?

What is the Supremacy Clause?

Who wrote the Federalist Papers? Why are they important?

Who were the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

What did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists want?

            -what are the formal ways of amending the Constitution?

            - what are the informal ways of amending the constitution?

How can the Constitution be amended?

What is federalism?

Full Faith and Credit

What are Expressed, Inherent, Implied Powers? What are Reserved powers? Concurrent Powers? Supremecy Clause?

Cooperative Federalism

Dual Federalism

Block Grants

Commerce Clause

Federal Mandate

Unfounded Mandates

Devolution (revolution)

Charles Beard’s Framing the Constitution

Supreme Court Cases to Know:

McCulloch v. Marlyand                      Barron v. Baltimore    Marbury v. Madison

Gibbons v. Ogden                               U.S. v. Lopez

**What is the Preamble? Know it!**

What are the topics of the 7 Articles in the Constitution?


UNIT II: Public Opinion, Political Socialization, Political Ideologies, Elections and the Electoral College



            - what would liberals support?


            - what would conservatives support?


Classical liberalism

Classical Conservatism


Political Socialization

Political Opinion

How is public opinion measured?

What are polls?

            Random Sample Polls


            Tracking Polls

            Exit Polls

            Straw Polls

            Sampling error

Horse Race Journalism

Frank Luntz and the powers of words- why is this important?

What effects voter turnout

The extent of non-voting

“Off-year” Elections and voter turnout

“On-Year” Elections and voter turnout

Why do people not vote?

Who is likely to vote for Republicans and Democrats?








Battle ground states

Swing States

Psychological effects

Political Efficacy

Amendments regarding voting:






Motor Voter Law

Shelby County v. Holder

Voter purging

Voter I.D.

Voter Ballot Fatigue

Time Zone Fallout

Primary (open, closed, hybrid)


Primary (what are they in the election process?)


            -super delegates

            -party raiding

            -New Hampshire Primary

Caucus (what are they in the election process?)

            -Iowa Caucus

Super Tuesday

National Convention

            - what are the 5 purposes?

Electoral College

            -how does it work

            - going “over the top”

            - tie breaker

            - who are electors and their job?

Alternatives to the Electoral College:

            - Direct Popular

            - District Plan

            - Proportional Plan

            - National Bonus Plan

            - National Popular